Timarcha goettingensis


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Chrysomelidae
  • Timarcha
  • Timarcha goettingensis
Common name
Small Bloody-nosed Beetle


Size: 8-13mm
Basic colour: Shiny (at least slightly) - blue-black, violet-copper or black.
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: As basic colour
Confusion species: Chrysolina violacea
, Confusion species: Timarcha tenebricosa


Status: Not threatened, but may have declined outside southern England.
Habitat: Various open habitats
Host plant: Bedstraws (Galium), crosswort (Cruciata laevipes) and woodruffs (Asperula)
Overwintering: Adults may be buried in winter; they may be active during mild winter periods.
Food: Adults and larvae feed on leaves and stems of bedstraws
Other notes: Random, dense, moderately-sized punctures. After rounded side angles, pronotum constricts less sharply than in T. tenebricosa. Superficially similar to Chrysolina violacea, but this has orange-brown tarsi and palpi (with tarsi usually much paler than the rest of the legs - femora and tibiae are metallic purple).

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Cryptocephalus biguttatus


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Chrysomelidae
  • Cryptocephalus
  • Cryptocephalus biguttatus


Size: 4.5-6.0mm
Basic colour: Black
Pattern colour: Orange-yellow apical spot covering one tenth to one third of the elytra
Number of spots: 1 main apical spot; sometimes a second very small spot slightly forward of this.
Spot fusions: Common
Pronotoum: Black
Leg colour: Black
Confusion species: Cryptocephalus bipunctatus


Status: Rare, listed as RDB2 'Vulnerable'
Habitat: Wet heathland, bogs, moorlands and commons
Host plant: Cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix); may be found on other nearby plant species, though probably accidental.
Overwintering: Unknown
Food: Cross-leaved heath
Other notes: Very similar to C. bipunctatus var. thomsoni and requires close examination to separate them. Historically, a number of records of C. biguttatus have been shown to actually be C. bipunctatus var. thomsoni. Easily distinguished from the common form of C. bipunctatus. See Mann & Barclay (2009) and the correction on p.38 of The Coleopterist 19(1) (2010) for more on this.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Cryptocephalus bipunctatus


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Chrysomelidae
  • Cryptocephalus
  • Cryptocephalus bipunctatus


Size: 4-6mm
Basic colour: black and orange-red
Pattern colour: 1 black longitudinal band (variable, and may be split into 2 spots) on each orange-red elytron
Number of spots: 1 or 2 per elytron - if 1, usually as a band; if 2, usually one on 'shoulder' and one in the centre of the elytron.
Spot fusions: Sometimes
Other colour forms: Rare
Pronotoum: Black
Leg colour: Black
Confusion species: Cryptocephalus biguttatus


Status: Scarce (Notable B); widespread but very local.
Habitat: Various
Host plant: Various
Overwintering: Unknown
Food: Various
Other notes: The uncommon form (var. thomsoni) is black with only the tips of the elytra orange and requires close examination to separate it from C. biguttatus. The usual colour form is easily distinguished from C. biguttatus.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Cryptocephalus aureolus


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Chrysomelidae
  • Cryptocephalus
  • Cryptocephalus aureolus


Size: 5.5-7.8mm
Basic colour: Metallic green or blue
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: As basic colour
Confusion species: Cryptocephalus hypochaeridis


Status: Widespread but Scarce (Notable B)
Habitat: Various, but especially lightly grazed grassland.
Host plant: Various, usually yellow flowers, sometimes other plants.
Overwintering: Unknown
Food: Adults feed on pollen of host plants.
Other notes: Longer (usually) and with coarser pronotal punctures than the similar C. hypochaeridis.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Cryptocephalus hypochaeridis


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Chrysomelidae
  • Cryptocephalus
  • Cryptocephalus hypochaeridis


Size: 4.6-5.7mm
Basic colour: Metallic green or blue.
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: As basic colour
Confusion species: Cryptocephalus aureolus


Status: Scattered with clusters in some limestone and dune areas.
Habitat: Various open habitats
Host plant: Various, usually yellow flowers
Overwintering: Unknown
Food: Various
Other notes: Shorter (usually) and with finer pronotal punctures than the similar C. aureolus.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map