Size: 10-13mm Basic colour: Black Pattern colour: Pale spot on head, head and pronotum shining, elytra duller. Pronotoum: Transverse, sides with a single long lateral seta, hind angles with a small tooth. Entire base densely and roughly punctured; anterior third also often with fine punctures. Leg colour: Black, rarely brown. Confusion species: Anisodactylus binotatus , Confusion species: Anisodactylus nemorivagus
Status: Widespread in England and Wales and the west of Ireland, very local in lowland Scotland and the east of Ireland. Habitat: Damp meadows and marshy habitat; arable land on poorly draining soils. Other notes: Elytral shoulders rounded; striae unpunctured, intervals convex, with scattered punctures at the base of each interval; outer two intervals and apical region of elytra with fine golden pubescence. Apices diverging with oblique sub-apical sinuation. Wings present.
Size: 8-10mm Basic colour: Black Pattern colour: Faint pale mark on head. Pronotoum: Sides strongly contracted to the obtuse but sharp hind angles which are hardly toothed. Leg colour: Reddish-brown or sometimes black. Confusion species: Anisodactylus binotatus
Status: Scarce. Local in southern England and south Wales, with a single Irish record from Cork. UKBAP Species: Yes Habitat: Dry sandy heaths. Other notes: Elytral shoulders angled between basal rim and elytral margin; interval without punctures at their base; outer two elytral intervals finely pubescent, especially towards the rear, apices not or little divergent, sub-apical sinuation strong. Wings present.
Size: 9-12.5mm Basic colour: Shining metallic coppery green. Pronotoum: Sides rounded, hind angles curved and hardly distinct; base with coarse rugose punctuation, sides, anterior region and a part of disc sometimes finely punctured. Leg colour: Black Confusion species: Harpalus affinis
Status: Scarce. Local around the south and east coasts of England from Dorset to Suffolk. UKBAP Species: Yes Habitat: Under stones and litter on open saline coastal habitats including the upper parts of saltmarshes. Other notes: Elytral shoulders bluntly angled, bases of intervals with scattered punctures, outer two intervals with dense semi-errect pale pubescence; apices rounded, slightly diverging, with rather transverse sub-apical sinuatiuon.