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There are numerous references to Gerrard in the Acquisitions Register of the NHM 1850-1863. Most acquisitions are recorded as 'insects' and these undoubtedly included Coleoptera; see for example seven beetles fron Ireland 1850/87. Was he on the staff of the Museum perhaps or a dealer? See Gerrard, E. jnr. below. Smith (1986) p.121 records various insects in the HDO including Cetoniidae and other Coleoptera from the Congo purchased in 1891, also ‘various unspecified insects were also purchased between 1881 and 1892’. (MD 1/03)

GERRARD, E. jnr.

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Presumably the son of Edward Gerrard above. There are numerous references to him in the 1894-1900 Acquisitions Volume of the NHM. Since most refer to purchases one concludes that he was a dealer. Most of the material was tropical eg. Celebes (1896/120), Burma (1899/197). (MD 1/03)


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Accompanied Thomas Blackburn and his brother on a beetle collecting expedition to the north of England which was written up in EMM., 1, 1864, pp.145-148. (Perhaps related to W.M.Geldart whose notebook covering the period 1904-12 is in the HDO (Smith (1986) p.76)? (MD 1/03)

GEDYE, Alfred Francis John

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Born in Bristol. Educated at St. Paul’s School and spent a year at the NHM studying Coleoptera. Migrated to East Africa where he joined a relative in business in Nairobi. During this time he worked consistently in the Coryndon Museum voluntarily on the Coleoptera. specialising particularly in the Cetoniinae and Buprestidae, and where he was appointed a Trustee. His large collection of insects and books was donated to the Coryndon Museum. He sold out of his business about four years before his death and retired to live at Lymington, Hampshire.


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Mainly a Lepidopterist but he did publish one note on beetles 'Note on captures of Coleoptera near Sudbury' in Ent., 2, 1844, p.486. (MD 1/03)

GAYE, J.A. de

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A member of the African Entomological Research Committee in 1910 when he gave 43 beetles collected in the Seychelles and Southern Nigeria to the NHM. Further gifts followed from 1911/221. Other insects collected by him in Lagos are in the HDO (Smith (1986) p.121.). (MD 1/03)


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A Reverend. His collection of Coleoptera is mentioned in L.Jenyns manuscript volume Entomologia Cantabrigiensis - Mandibulata Part 1 in the Museum at Cambridge. (MD 1/03)

GARNEYS, William

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Born in Bungay, Suffolk the son of a doctor, and after receiving his education in London moved to Repton in Derbyshire. His interest in entomology developed when he was a boy and early centred on the Coleoptera.


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A Professor. Gave 17 Coleoptera from West Africa to BMNH 'left in the Museum some years ago - collected by himself' (1899/74). (MD 1/03)