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At one time was Rector of Letteringsett in Norfolk. Published the first substantial local list of British Coleoptera: 'A Catalogue of Insects found in Norfolk' in Trans.Ent.Soc., 1806,1807,1809 and 1812, 101-240. The list included 807 species listed in Marsham (1802) and 39 others new to Britain. Burrell also published a note on Lygeus micropterus in Transactions of the Aurelian Society, 1, 1807, 73-74. He was a subscriber to Denny (1825) and according to a typescript in Norwich Museum gave insects to the Norwich Society in 1825.


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A collection of insects including British Lepidoptera and Coleoptera was sold by Burnell at Stevens's auction rooms on 23 May 1892. Chalmers-Hunt (1976), 126. (MD 12/01)


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Tony Irwin informs me that there are Burn insects in E.A. Butler’s foreign collection of Coleoptera and Hemiptera at Norwich Museum and Ashley Kirk-Spriggs that there are beetles collected by him in the Rippon collection, NMW. (MD 12/01, 10/03)


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A Captain who received the MC. There is a box of insects, including Coleoptera, collected by Burgess in Bogota, Columbia, South America, in the Weaver Hall Museum, Norwich. (Accession number 982. 1977) The specimens are in poor condition. (MD 12/01)

BURCHELL, William John

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In a well-researched account of Burchell which Edward Poulton delivered in a lecture before the British Association in Cape Town on 17 August 1905, Poulton described him as 'by far the most scientific and greatest of the early African explorers' (The lecture was printed in the Report of the British and South African Associations, 3, 1905, 57-110, and subsequently reprinted as a separate by Eyre and Spottiswoode in 1907). Burchell was born in Fulham on 23 July, probably in 1782, though this is not certain, the eldest son of Matthew Burchell, a wealthy nurseryman.

BUNNETT, Ernest J.

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Senior Maths Wrangler at the University of Cambridge where he acquired a MA. Taught at Oswestry and at St. Dunstans, Catford. Retired to Hastings in 1939 but moved to Redhill at the start of the War. Interested in beetles, photography and water-colour painting. His collection of beetles is now at the Juniper Hall Field Centre. He collected in various areas including Box Hill where he took Cymindis axillaris, Playcis minuta, Cryptocephalus coryli and nitidulus. (I am grateful to John Owen for this information which was passed to him by John Sankey). (MD 12/01)


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Published eight notes on Irish Coleoptera between 1897 and 1935 several listing additions to the Irish list (listed in Ryan et. al. (1984), 53. There are various references to him in Johnson & Halbert (1902), where he is listed as 'Bk'.

Is this the same E. Bullock, perhaps, whose name appears on specimens in the R. Wilding collection at Liverpool Museum, the Bedwell collection at Norwich Museum, and in the collections of the Manchester Museum? (MD 12/01)