
Images of the species included in the Staphylinidae Recording Scheme are shown below, where available.

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  • Click an image to see a bigger picture
  • Click a species name to learn more about the species
  • Click the + icon in the top right of several images to make a comparison.


Images of the species included in the Oil Beetle Recording Scheme are shown below, where available.

On this page you can:
  • Click an image to see a bigger picture
  • Click a species name to learn more about the species
  • Click the + icon in the top right of several images to make a comparison.

Stenoria analis


  • Polyphaga
  • Tenebrionoidea
  • Meloidae
  • Stenoria
  • Stenoria analis

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

ACKLAND, David Michael

Well known Dipterist but his interest as a teenager was with ants which led to a meeting with Horace Donisthorpe and to his only publication to mention beetles 'Dorcus parallelipipedus (L.) and ant’s nest in the same tree’, in Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (1943, 79: 251).

GARNER, Robert

Published  The Natural History of the County of Stafford, 1844, which includes a list of beetles apparently collected by himself  (307-313), Van Voorst, London. I am grateful to Tony Drane for producing an offprint for me). (MD 1/22)