The discovery of Lixus scabricollis Bohe. (Curculionidae) in Britain
ID signpost
The "ID signpost" is a searchable database of books, online resources and other materials relevant to identifying wildlife. The link will take you to a list of all the beetle-related resources, but you can use the ID signpost for other species groups as well. If you register with the ID signpost you can add further resources to the list, helping it grow to become a comprehensive guide to wildlife identification. ID signpost is a Tomorrow's Biodiversity project from the Field Studies Council.
Weevil Recording Scheme on Twitter
Tweets from the Weevil Recording Scheme.
Longhorn Recording Scheme on Twitter
National Longhorn Recording Scheme of Britain.
Longhorn Recording Scheme (Britain) - Facebook group
This is the faceboook group for the British Longhorn Recording Scheme.
Beetles of Britain and Ireland - Facebook group
This group aims to aid people identifying species of UK beetle. Anyone can join provided the species posted here are from the UK.
Beetles of the British Isles - discussion forum
Email discussion group for all matters relating to beetles. Click on "Apply for membership in this group" to join.
On this page you can
- Click an image to see a bigger picture
- Click a species name to learn more about the species
- Click the + icon in the top right of several images to make a comparison.