Conspicuous ladybirds

There have been 3500 species of coccinellid described worldwide but until recently only 43 were considered as resident in Britain. The herbivorous Bryony ladybird, Epilachna argus, and the small inconspicuous brown ladybird, Rhyzobius chrysomeloides, are recent additions but neither have attracted as much attention as the Harlequin ladybird, H. axyridis, first encountered in 2004. Of the 46 ladybird species now found in Britain only 26 are readily recognisable as ladybirds and these are the focus of the Ladybird Survey. A ladybird identification sheet (163Kb) and a ladybird larvae identification sheet (290Kb) are available in PDF format.

Entomologist's Monthly Magazine

The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine is a British entomological journal, first published in 1864. The journal publishes original papers and notes on all orders of insects and terrestrial arthropods from any part of the world, specialising in groups other than Lepidoptera.

Although its name would suggest otherwise, it is currently produced only four times per year by Pemberley Books, as of 2007.

Ground Beetles of Ireland

This web site is based largely on the book "The Ground Beetles of Northern Ireland", Anderson, R., McFerran, D., & Cameron, A., 2000. This site is another step along the way to encouraging interest in Irish ground beetles. It extends the book by including more illustrations of the species and providing a means to produce updated distribution maps.