Orsodacne cerasi

Basic colour
Yellowish through brownish to black - highly variable and the elytra may or may not be the same colour as the pronotum.
Pattern colour
Usually none, though if the elytra is pale, the suture may be darkened.
Leg colour
Yellowish to brownish

Korynetes caeruleus


  • Polyphaga
  • Cleroidea
  • Cleridae
  • Korynetes
  • Korynetes caeruleus


Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Orsodacne humeralis


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Orsodacnidae
  • Orsodacne
  • Orsodacne humeralis


Size: 4.4-7.9mm
Basic colour: Yellowish through brownish to black - highly variable and the elytra may or may not be the same colour as the pronotum.
Pattern colour: Usually none, though if the elytra is pale, the suture may be darkened.
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: As basic colour
Confusion species: Orsodacne cerasi

Western Palaearctic, including Morocco and Iran.


Status: Widespread in south and SE England, an old record from Scotland, not recorded from Wales or Ireland. May have declined. Scarce (Notable B).
Habitat: Various
Host plant: Various herbaceous plants, and often hawthorn, also birch saplings and cypress.
Overwintering: Uncertain, but probably as 1st instar larvae within oak buds.
Food: Adults on pollen, larval feeding unknown.
Other notes: Dosrally with fine, dense pubescence and coase punctures; elytral interstices shiny.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Orsodacne cerasi


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Orsodacnidae
  • Orsodacne
  • Orsodacne cerasi


Size: 4.5-6.4mm
Basic colour: Yellowish through brownish to black - highly variable and the elytra may or may not be the same colour as the pronotum.
Pattern colour: Usually none, though if the elytra is pale, the suture may be darkened.
Number of spots: None
Other colour forms: Many and common
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: Yellowish to brownish
Confusion species: Orsodacne humeralis

Western Palaearctic.


Status: Widespread and locally common in England and Wales, not recorded from Scotland or Ireland.
Habitat: Mixed or deciduous woodland
Host plant: Various trees and shrubs.
Overwintering: Unknown.
Food: Adults on anthers and pollen, especially of white flowers. Larval feeding unknown/uncertain.
Other notes: Dorsally almost hairless, with diffuse punctures and dull elytral interstices.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Zeugophora turneri


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Megalopodidae
  • Zeugophora
  • Zeugophora turneri


Size: 3.2-3.6mm
Basic colour: Yellowish
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: As basic colour



Status: Scattered; Scotland only. Scarce (Notable A).
Habitat: Broad-leaved woodland.
Host plant: Young aspen and birches.
Overwintering: As adults.
Food: Adults on leaves, larvae are leaf-miners.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Zeugophora subspinosa


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Megalopodidae
  • Zeugophora
  • Zeugophora subspinosa


Size: 2.7-3.5mm
Basic colour: Elytra black.
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: Orange-yellow
Leg colour: Orange-yellow

Western Palaearctic.


Status: Widespread and locally common in England, scattered in Scotland and south Wales, recorded in Ireland (Co. Clare) in 1971. Not current categorisation though possibly declining, and previously listed as Scarce (Notable B).
Habitat: Various
Host plant: Aspen and other poplars, also willows
Overwintering: As adults
Food: Adults on leaves (largely of saplings) leaving behind a perforated network of veins; larvae are leaf miners forming black blotches.
Other notes: Head orange-yellow. Leaf-mining larvae parasitised by the pimpline ichneumon Scambus inanis and the braconid wasp Meteorus brevicauda.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map

Zeugophora flavicollis


  • Polyphaga
  • Chrysomeloidea
  • Megalopodidae
  • Zeugophora
  • Zeugophora flavicollis


Size: 2.5-3.5mm
Basic colour: Elytra black.
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: Orange-yellow
Leg colour: Orange-yellow, hind femora darkened.



Status: Scattered in SE and midland England, previously more widespread (north to Cumbria). Vulnerable (RDB2), previously categorised as Endangered (RDB1)
RDB Category: Vulnerable (RDB2)
Habitat: Broadleaved woodland, commons.
Host plant: Poplars, sometimes willows.
Overwintering: As new generation adults.
Food: Adults on leaves (usually on fairly mature trees), larvae are leaf-miners.
Other notes: Head black.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map