Articles of The Coleopterist

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Back issues: volumes 1 to 12 are available to download. Other hard-copy back issues are available from Peter Hodge - please visit the subscribe page to view prices, and contact Peter to arrange orders.

Oodes helopioides (Fabricius) (Carabidae) and Graptus triguttatus (Fabricius) (Curculionidae) new to Breconshire VC 42 B. Sage
Leistus montanus Stephens (Carabidae) in Cumbria A. J. Allen
New Tenebrionoidea Recording Scheme J. Denton & S. Dodd
Colotes punctatus (Erichson, 1840) (Melyridae, Malachiinae) new to Britain from the Isles of Scilly R. C. Welch
Glischrochilus hortensis (Fourcroy) (Nitidulidae) reared from a thistle stem D. A. Lott
Hylis cariniceps (Reitter) (Eucnemidae) in Somerset A. J. Parsons
The saproxylic Coleoptera of the Esher Commons, Surrey J. Denton
On the rediscovery of Lebia chlorocephala (Hoffmann, J.) (Carabidae) in Devon C. R. Turner
Beetles from underground mammal nests in the East Midlands D. A. Lott
Beetles from pitfall traps in mammal burrows in the East Midlands D. A. Lott
Ptinus sexpunctatus Panzer (Anobiidae) reared from dead moths D. A. Lott, G. L. Finch & M. A. Finch
Wood-decay beetles of Ashclyst Forest and Killerton Park, S.E. Devon, including four new county records K. N. A. Alexander
Prionocyphon serricornis (Müller) (Scirtidae) in Northern Ireland R. Anderson
Ochthebius poweri Rye (Hydraenidae), new to Ireland from Co. Waterford E. Regan & S. McCormack
Chlorophorus spp. (Cerambycidae) in the Central Science Laboratory collection, with particular reference to Chlorophorus annularis (Fabricius) J. C. Ostojá-Starzewski & R. P. Hammon
Hallomenus binotatus (Quensel) (Melandryidae) reared from the bracket fungus Tyromyces chioneus (Fr.) P. Karst K. N. A. Alexander
Tillus elongatus (Linnaeus) (Cleridae) reared from a bracket fungus in Derbyshire K. N. A. Alexander
Meloe rugosus Marsham (Meloidae) rediscovered in Devon after more than a century; game management conserving habitat for Meloe violaceus Marsham, and some additional notes on the genus C. R. Turner
Review. "Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles, 2008 edition" by A. G. Duff A. J. Allen
Literature notices M. J. Collier
Rugilus fragilis (Gravenhorst) (Staphylinidae) in Breconshire J. Denton
A second Irish locality for Epuraea distincta (Grimmer) (Nitidulidae) and comments on the mobility of other recently discovered species K. N. A. Alexander
Semanotus russicus (Fabricius, 1776) (Cerambycidae) breeding in Britain H. Mendel & M. V. L. Barclay
Aepus marinus (Ström) (Carabidae) in north west Ireland, a new Donegal species I. McClenaghan
Northern Coleopterists Meeting 2008
Byrrhus arietinus Steffahny new to Ireland with a note on the differentiation of females of B. arietinus and B. fasciatus (Forster) (Byrrhidae) R. Anderson
Trichius rosaceus (Voët) (Scarabaeidae) and Anthribus fasciatus (Forster) (Anthribidae) in Middlesex C. R. Curtis
Some corrections to Colonelli's World Catalogue of Ceutorhynchinae (Curculionidae) regarding the fauna of the British Isles M. G. Morris
A further record of Olibrus affinis Sturm (Phalacridae) from Cumbria R. W. J. Read
Scybalicus oblongiusculus (Dejean) (Carabidae) apparently thriving on brownfield sites in the East Thames Corridor P. M. Hammond & P. R. Harvey
The British species of Ochthephilus Mulsant & Rey (Staphylinidae) D. A. Lott
The genus Aderus (Aderidae) in Kent K. Chuter
Saproxylic Coleoptera from Calke, Chatsworth, Hardwick and Kedleston Parks, Derbyshire, 1881-1999 C. Johnson
Straw bales - a neglected habitat? R. M. Payne
Cotaster uncipes (Boheman, 1838) (Curculionidae) apparently established in Britain P. M. Hammond
Cryptophagus schmidtii Sturm (Cryptophagidae) new to the modern county of Lincolnshire D. Stenhouse
Myrmecopora brevipes Butler (Staphylinidae) recorded at Dawlish Warren, Devon J. Webb
Two modern records of Bembidion quadripustulatum Serville (Carabidae) from Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, and comments on its wider British status K. N. A. Alexander

The past and present statuses of Hydroporus rufifrons (Müller) (Dytiscidae) in Great Britain

G. N. Foster, D. T. Bilton, S. Routledge & M. D. Eyre
Notes on Philorhizus vectensis (Rye) (Carabidae) in southwest England and Wales D. C. Boyce & J. M. Walters