Articles of The Coleopterist

The contents list below is currently complete up to volume 30 (2021). The information that is available can be searched using the filter boxes below - fill in one or more of the search boxes and then click on "Apply". See also the downloadable cumulative species index (also complete up to vol 30).

Back issues: volumes 1 to 12 are available to download. Other hard-copy back issues are available from Peter Hodge - please visit the subscribe page to view prices, and contact Peter to arrange orders.

An annotated checklist of British and Irish Ciidae with revisionary notes G. M. Orledge & R. G. Booth
Phloiophilus edwardsi Stephens (Phloiophilidae) in East Sussex P. Roper
Velleius dilatatus (Fabricius) (Staphylinidae) in Cambridgeshire (vice county 31, Huntingdonshire) R. C. Welch
New sites for Cryptocephalus pusillus Fabricius (Chrysomelidae) in Ireland R. Anderson
Dactylosternum abdominale (Fabricius) (Hydrophilidae) in east Northamptonshire - a second British locality R. C. Welch
Records of Agelastica alni (Linnaeus) (Chrysomelidae) in South Lancashire and Cheshire in two successive years D. Stenhouse
A recent Irish record of Cyphon punctipennis Sharp (Scirtidae) from Scragh Bog, Co. Westmeath S. McCormack
Chlorophorus pilosus (Forster) (Cerambycidae) in Britain D. R. Nash
Ochthephilum jacquelini (Boieldieu) (Staphylinidae) recorded in Dorset J. Webb
Brachinus sclopeta (Fabricius) (Carabidae) confirmed as a British species R. A. Jones
Riparian beetles from four river catchments in Northumberland and Durham D. A. Lott

Changes in the riparian beetle fauna along the Afon Rheidol, Wales

D. A. Lott
Trechoblemus micros (Herbst) (Carabidae): first record for Pembrokeshire (VC 45) S. A. Beynon & D. J. Mann
Platydema violaceum (Fabricius) (Tenebrionidae) discovered in Norfolk B. Sage
Literature notices M. J. Collier
Xylostiba bosnica (Bernhauer) (Staphylinidae) in Britain A. J. Allen & R. G. Booth
Thryogenes fiorii Zumpt (Curculionidae) new for Hampshire J. Denton
Some British records of Chaetarthria simillima Vorst & Cuppen, 2003 and C. seminulum (Herbst) (Hydrophilidae), with notes on their differentiation B. Levey
On Elater ferrugineus Linnaeus A. A. Allen
Orchesia minor (Walker) (Melandryidae) associated with the bracket fungus Inonotus radiatus in Cornwall K. N. A. Alexander
Sidebotham's weevils (Curculionoidea) M. G. Morris & C. Johnson
Erratum [to Liberti (2005), Coleopterist 14(1): 29]
Bembidion octomaculatum (Goeze) (Carabidae) in East Kent R. Carr
Inland records of Rhinocyllus conicus (Frohlich) (Curculionidae) J. Meiklejohn
Some records of Coleoptera from England in 2003-4 J. Denton
On Lixus paraplecticus (Linnaeus) E. G. Philp
The British Dienerella separanda (Reitter) is D. clathrata (Mannerheim): with a compilation of British records of D. clathrata and D. elongata (Curtis) (Latridiidae) F.-T. Krell, C. Johnson, R. Booth & H. Mendel
Belated records of Calosoma sycophanta (Linnaeus) (Carabidae) from Thetford Forest Park, Suffolk M. E. Miquel
Saproxylic Coleoptera from two Norfolk parklands and comments on the status of Epiphanis cornutus Eschscholtz (Eucnemidae) K. N. A. Alexander & M. J. Collier
Epiphanis cornutus Eschscholtz, Hylis olexai (Palm) and Microrhagus pygmaeus (Fabricius) (Eucnemidae) from pitfall traps in Wiltshire M. Darby
Coccinella magnifica (Redtenbacher) (Coccinellidae) in Dorset C. Dieck
A previously overlooked record of the five spot ladybird Coccinella quinquepunctata (Linnaeus) in Wiltshire M. Darby
Dytiscus circumflexus (Fabricius) (Dytiscidae) in Scotland and the Isle of Man G. Foster & R. Bellstedt
Oedemera virescens (Linnaeus) (Oedemeridae) in Lanarkshire in 2005 R. K. A. Morris
The size of specimens of Helianthemapion aciculare (Germar) (Apionidae) M. G. Morris
New and noteworthy Coleoptera records from Wales B. Levey
Pelenomus comari (Herbst) and Anthonomus brunnipennis (Curtis) (Curculionidae) on Potentilla erecta (L.) at a Cornwall locality K. N. A. Alexander
Cryptocephalus decemmaculatus (Linnaeus) (Chrysomelidae) in Aberdeenshire J. Owen
Further observations of Phloiophilus edwardsi Stephens (Phloiophilidae) and other arboreal saproxylic species J. Denton
Agrilus sinuatus (Olivier) (Buprestidae) developing in pear Pyrus communis L. in southern England K. N. A. Alexander & J. Denton