Articles of The Coleopterist

The contents list below is currently complete up to volume 30 (2021). The information that is available can be searched using the filter boxes below - fill in one or more of the search boxes and then click on "Apply". See also the downloadable cumulative species index (also complete up to vol 30).

Back issues: volumes 1 to 12 are available to download. Other hard-copy back issues are available from Peter Hodge - please visit the subscribe page to view prices, and contact Peter to arrange orders.

1 Oxythyrea funesta (Poda) (Scarabaeidae) established in Britain Stefan Harrison
3 Ernobius gallicus Johnson (Ptinidae) apparently established at Brooklands, Surrey Tom Harrison
4 Curculio nucum Linnaeus (Curculionidae) new to Ireland Brian Nelson
5 Xyleborus monographus (Fabricius) (Curculionidae) in Bristol Ray Barnett
7 Velleius dilatatus (Fabricius) (Staphylinidae) and other notable beetles from North Devon Martin L. Luff and Robert Wolton
10 The mallow flea beetle, Podagrica fuscicornis (Linnaeus) (Chrysomelidae) – feeding on Hoheria and Sidalcea (Malvaceae), new host records Andrew Salisbury and Peter Jones
11 The colonisation of stoat carrion by Nicrophorus spp. (Silphidae) Peter Sutton
16 Amara strenua Zimmermann (Carabidae) new for Surrey (VC 17), in river floodplain grassland, and a further record from coastal grassland in S. Hampshire (VC 11) Scotty Dodd
23 The mass emergence of Hoplia philanthus Fuessly (Scarabaeidae) Trevor G. Forsythe and Gillian W. Forsythe
24 Correction and addition to Trechus subnotatus Dejean records (Carabidae) in Britain and Ireland Don A. Stenhouse
25 The enigmatic Tetropium parcum Sharp, 1905 (Cerambycidae) Howard Mendel
26 Anthribus fasciatus Forster (Anthribidae) in abundance on the edge of the Chilterns Ross Piper
27 Eight specimens in 122 years; a new old record of one of our rarest beetles, Erotides cosnardi (Chevrolat) (Lycidae), with a discussion of its British status Maxwell V.L. Barclay
31 Stenus fossulatus Erichson (Staphylinidae) new to Ayrshire Bruce Philp
32 Brotheus praemorsus (Thunberg, 1799), an ancient ‘non-established introduction’ in Britain (Curculionoidea: Brachyceridae) M.G. Morris
34 The Status of Paromalus parallelepipedus (Herbst) (Histeridae) in Britain Steve A. Lane
36 Coccinella undecimpunctata Linnaeus (Coccinellidae) new to West Sutherland S.D. Beavan and R.J. Heckford
37 Some notes on the British weevil referred to as Coniocleonus hollbergii (Fåhraeus, 1842) (Curculionidae) M.G. Morris and M.V.L. Barclay
39 Erichsonius signaticornis (Mulsant & Rey) (Staphylinidae) discovered in Ireland Mike D. Bryan and Roy Anderson
40 British Anthonomus humeralis (Panzer, 1795) are small examples of A. pomorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Curculionidae) M.G. Morris and H. Mendel
51 Lymantor coryli (Perris) (Curculionidae) in Suffolk Jerry Lee
52 Lebia cruxminor Linnaeus (Carabidae) in Dorset John M. Walters
53 Xylotoles griseus (Fabricius, 1775) (Cerambycidae; Lamiinae), the New Zealand fig longhorn, breeding in Devon, new to Britain and Europe John M. Walters, Maxwell V.L. Barclay and Michael F. Geiser
Epuraea ocularis Fairmaire, 1849 (Nitidulidae) new to the UK R. G. Booth & A. C. Galsworthy
Oxytelus fulvipes Erichson (Staphylinidae) in North Wales J. Jenkins Shaw
Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Britain A. J. Allen, P. M. Hammond & M. G. Telfer
Male Otiorhynchus rugifrons (Gyllenhal) (Curculionidae) are widely distributed in the British Isles and common in south and south-west England M. G. Morris
Beetle records from dune slacks at Braunton Burrows, North Devon VC 4 J. Webb & N. Mott
Reesa vespulae (Milliron) (Dermestidae) new to Lincolnshire W. J. Heeney
Beetle records from Chartley Moss National Nature Reserve, Staffordshire VC 39 J. Webb
Longitarsus fowleri Allen, 1967 synonymised with L. strigicollis Wollaston, 1864 (Chrysomelidae) M. L. Cox
Carpelimus nitidus (Baudi di Selve, 1848) (Staphylinidae): another beetle new to Britain from Dungeness M. G. Telfer
The status of Carabus convexus Fabricius (Carabidae) in Britain and Ireland M. G. Telfer & J. Hogan
Adota maritima (Mannerheim) (Staphylinidae) new to Yorkshire R. Carr
Oxythyrea funesta (Poda) (Scarabaeidae) in London and a summary of recent and historical British records of this species M. V. L. Barclay & D. G. Notton
Euconnus pragensis (Machulka) (Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae) in Surrey T. Harrison
Cantharis fusca Linnaeus (Cantharidae) rediscovered in Norfolk G. R. Nobes
Evidence that Furcipus Desbrochers, 1868 (Curculionidae) should be treated as a full genus M. G. Morris
The vice-county distribution of Otiorhynchus desertus Rosenhauer (Curculionidae) in Scotland M. G. Morris
Ampedus rufipennis (Stephens) (Elateridae) in Norfolk, new to East Anglia B. Sage