Articles of The Coleopterist

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A note on the name Sibinia primita (Herbst, 1795) (Curculionidae) M. G. Morris
Aquatic Coleoptera of the Ouse Washes fringes, Cambridgeshire and West Norfolk M. Hammond
Elaphropus parvulus (Dejean) (Carabidae) in Scotland B. Philp
Bradybatus fallax Gerstaecker, 1860 (Curculionidae) new to Britain R. G. Booth & A. C. Galsworthy
On the nomenclature of Microplontus melanostigma (Marsham, 1802), the weevil formerly referred to as Microplontus rugulosus (Herbst, 1795) (Curculionidae) and its synonyms, with lectotype and neotype designations M. G. Morris & M. V. L. Barclay
New records of beetles from the Isle of Man, a postscript M. L. Luff & F. D. Bennett
Scymnus rubromaculatus (Goeze) in Britain, colour pattern variation in S. interruptus (Goeze) and a key to the British species of subgenus Scymnus sensu stricto (Coccinellidae) M. G. Telfer
Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood and Hypothenemus seriatus (Eichhoff) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Cryphalini) in Britain C. R. Turner & R. A. Beaver
Platydema violaceum (Fabricius) (Tenebrionidae) discovered in South Lincolnshire W. J. Heeney
Platydema violaceum (Fabricius) (Tenebrionidae) new to Oxfordshire (VC 23) I. Wright
Enedreytes hilaris Fåhraeus, 1839 (Anthribidae: Anthribinae) new to Britain T. Bantock & J. Flanagan
Rhyzobius forestieri (Mulsant) (Coccinellidae) in West Kent M. G. Telfer
Stenus (Tesnus) intermedius Rey, 1884 (Staphylinidae: Steninae) new to Britain T. Bantock, M. Ashby & C. Plant
The distribution of British weevils (Curculionoidea) in the Palaearctic: implications for conservation and pest control M. G. Morris
Aphthona pallida (Bach) (Chrysomelidae) discovered in Cumbria R. W. J. Read
North-west Scotland: noteworthy beetles from a visit in 2010 M. G. Telfer & R. M. Lyszkowski
Recent records of capricorn beetles Cerambyx spp. in England and Wales (Cerambycidae) A. Salisbury, C. Malumphy & M. Barclay
Phoresy of Uroobovella marginata (C. L. Koch) (Acari: Mesostigmata) on Pterostichus madidus (Fabricius) (Carabidae) D. A. Stenhouse
Recent Norfolk beetle records, including twelve additions to the county list M. J. Collier & S. Lane
The distribution of Agelastica alni (Linnaeus) (Chrysomelidae) in Hampshire and its relevance to the species' British status D. Hubble
Orthoperus atomarius (Heer) rediscovered in Britain and Orthoperus aequalis Sharp in Devon (Corylophidae: Orthoperinae) C. R. Turner
Lordithon speciosus (Erichson, 1839) (Staphylinidae) new for the British fauna - 88th contribution to the knowledge of Tachyporinae M. Schülke
Oligota muensteri Bernhauer (Staphylinidae) in West Kent: the second British record M. G. Telfer
A British record of Crioceris macilenta Weise, 1880 (Chrysomelidae), a Mediterranean leaf beetle, in Liverpool, 2012 E. G. Hancock
Tasgius morsitans (Rossi) (Staphylinidae) in Scotland A. J. Ramsay
Literature Notices
Retraction of Merionethshire Hypulus (Melandryidae) record J. H. Bratton
Simo hirticornis (Herbst, 1795) (Curculionidae) new to Britain; yet another alien from Brooklands, Surrey (VC 17) H. Mendel & M. G. Morris
Review: "The Book of Beetles" by P. Bouchard|A. J. Allen
Stenotrupis marshalli Zimmerman 1938 (Curculionidae: Cossoninae) in Britain C. R. Turner
Modern and historic records of beetles on Arran, with comments on their status in Scotland A. J. Ramsay
Trachys troglodytes Gyllenhal in Schönherr (Buprestidae) in Surrey A. P. Foster
Epuraea distincta (Grimmer) (Nitidulidae): a first record for Scotland B. Philp
Alaobia taxiceroides Munster (Staphylinidae) new to Ireland and other captures on spring fungi M. D. Bryan & R. Anderson
Saproxylic Coleoptera of Grimsthorpe Park, South Lincolnshire J. Webb & S. Perry
British records of Stenus contumax Assing (Staphylinidae) M. G. Telfer
Ixapion variegatum (Wencker) (Apionidae) in Berkshire T. Harrison
Staphylinidae from the West Penwith Moors of West Cornwall (VC 1) K.N. A. Alexander
Meotica exillima Sharp (Staphylinidae) confirmed as an Irish species M. D. Bryan & R. Anderson
Bisnius parcus (Sharp) (Staphylinidae) new to Ireland R. Anderson & M. D. Bryan