Published two articles on Scolytus at Wytham Wood in Ent.mon.Mag., 102, 1996, 156-70, and subsequently worked abroad (Australasia or Far East?) (information from Paul Harding). (MD 8/17)
Published two articles on Scolytus at Wytham Wood in Ent.mon.Mag., 102, 1996, 156-70, and subsequently worked abroad (Australasia or Far East?) (information from Paul Harding). (MD 8/17)
There are beetles bearing this name, collected in the Plymouth area, in the D.G.Hall collection in Baldock Museum (information from Trevor James). Is this perhaps the A.K.Batten who is listed as a member of the AES from 1974-8 and gives his address as Ringmer, Sussex? (MD 8/17)
There are beetles collected by Basden in the RSM. He worked at the Pest Infestation Laboratory, Slough. (MD 8/17)
Published 'The occurrence of Helops caeruleus (L.) in the Cathedral Close, Norwich' in Ent.mon.Mag., 89, 1953, 131, when she worked at Castle Museum, Norwich. (MD 8/17)
A collection of beetles in sixty drawers, by Barnes and E.W. Aubrook consisting of some 3,000 specimens is in the Tolson Memorial Museum, Huddersfield. The Barnes specimens are accompanied by a manuscript notebook. I have also seen specimens collected by Barnes in Doncaster Museum and in the Kauffmann Cerambycidae collection at Manchester. (MD 6/18)
Educated at Whitley Abbey School and worked as a toolmaker/ inspection engineer. His Coleoptera interests centred on the Carabidae and Staphylinidae of Warwickshire and in 1982 he was engaged in preparing material for a study of the Carabidae of heavily worked agricultural land as part of an ecological course at the Open University. Arrangements were being made at that time to house parts of his collection which included a small number of foreign beetles, in the HAGM, Coventry. Member of the AES and joined the BENHS in 1977. (Information from A.C.B.) (MD 8/17)
Born in Purley, Surrey and educated at London University, Queen Mary College. He had collected for thirty years by 1982 and at that time had a moderate sized general collection housed in thirteen cabinets (some home made) totalling 119 drawers. Most families represented, specimens being predominantly of East Anglian or Belgian origin. Others from South East England and various foreign countries including Ascension Island where he travelled on behalf of his employer, the Marconi Company. He has donated various single specimens to museums and private collectors.
The Acccessions Book (19) in Birmingham Museum, Department of Natural History, lists a collection of insects including Coleoptera from Ceylon given by Bantock on 4 April 1935. He lived at 83 Bristol Road, Birmingham. (MD 8/17)
Published two notes on Trypodendron lineatum (Oilv.) in Ent/mon.Mag., 98, 1962, 52 & 66. At this time he was attached to the Forest Research Station, Alice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey. (MD 8/17)
The NHM purchased beetles from Badgerley on 20 Sept. 1849. (MD 8/17)