JEPSON, E.P. (d. 1950)

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Listed in Harvey et al (1996), p.13, as the donor of a typescript List of Coleoptera collected in Fiji and sent to the British Museum for Identification 1909 (1910-111. Insect Room lists Volume 2, item 88). He worked for a number of years as Government Entomologist in the Department of Agriculture, Fiji, before moving to Ceylon as Assistant Entomologist, a post he held for 13 years. There is a biographical reference to him in Tropical Agriculturalist, 106, 1950, p.130. (MD 8/03)

JENYNS, Leonard

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A Reverend, who is also known under the name of Leonard Blomefield, a pseudonym which he adopted in later life. He was born in London the son of the Rev. G.L.Jenyns, a Canon of Ely, and educated at Eton and St. John's College, Cambridge, before being ordained at the age of 29 to the curacy of Swaffham Bulbeck in Cambridgeshire, where he was Vicar for thirty years. On Leaving Swaffham he moved firstly the Isle of Wight and subsequently to Bath, where he died.

JENNINGS, F. Bransden

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Published various notes on Coleoptera in EMM., (from 1898), ERJV., (from 1900) and Trans. City London ent. nat. Soc. (from 1900), particularly lists of annual captures, from various localities, mainly in the South East, where he lived. In one (EMM., 44, 1908, pp.61-63) he mentions that he was a friend of C.J.C.Pool. There is correspondence with C.J.Wainwright in the RESL (Pedersen (2002 p. 129). (MD 8/03, 11/09)

JENNER, James Herbert Augustus

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Born in Battle and died in Lewes. Appears from his list of publications to have been mainly interested in Lepidoptera but he did write three articles on beetles: 'Claviger foveolatus at Lewes' in EMM., 21, 1884, p.36; 'Apion pomonae and Polydrusus undatus in cop.', ibid., and 'Heptaulacus villosus near Lewes', ibid., 25, 1889, pp.383-384. Coleoptera collected by Jenner are in the Booth Museum (information from P. Hodge), the Hall Collection at Oldham, to which he was a major contributor (information from Simon Hayhow).

JEFFERY, Hugh Geoffrey

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Published three additions to the list of Coleoptera given by C. Morley in Guide to the Natural History of the Isle of Wight (1909) in Proc. Isle of Wight nat. hist. Soc., 1921, 1927 and 1935. Also wrote 'Lamia textor at Fairlight' with H. Donisthorpe, in ERJV., 10, 1898, p.304. K.G.Blair in a short obituary of Jeffery in EMM., 84, 1948, p.48, wrote: 'this well known Isle of Wight entomologist...