HENSON, Harold Edward

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Born at Warrington, Peterborough, Northamptonshire and educated at Kings School, Peterborough. Started working in Peterborough’s Education Department but in 1956 changed career to work in insurance eventually becoming Manager of General Accident in Kettering in 1982. He married and had three children.


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Published 'Scotch Coleoptera' [beetles taken near Glagow] in EMM, 2, 1865, pp.88-89; 'Omalium septentrionis', Ent., 3, 1866, p.67; and 'Occurrence of species of Omalium new to Britain', EMM, 2, 1866, p.205. This last also dealt with spetentrionis which Henderson took on the Isle of Arran. He lived at 34 Hill Street, Glasgow. (MD 3/03)

HENDERSON, John Loftus

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Only son of John Henderson and Mary Loftus. Educated at Streatham College and joined his father at the printers Waterlows. Emigrated to Canada in 1910 and worked in the timber trade, but when war broke out he returned to England with the Canadian army and was obliged to remain here because of ill health. Subsequently he joined a firm of City accountants where he remained until he retired. He was inspired by his father to become interested in Lepidoptera but by his late teens had taken up the Coleoptera and in particular the water beetles in which he subsequently became very knowledgeable.


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Leicester Coleopterist who was active in the county from 1922 to 1972. As a boy was friendly with Donald Tozer, and Lott (2009) p.27 records that the two grew up in the same neighbourhood and shared an interest in collecting butterflies and moths. ‘One day they went to Leicester Museum ton see the insect collections on display in the public gallery, where they met S.O.Taylor, who was curating the beetle collections...


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Collected with F.A.Hunter and H.A.B. Clements in Wolverhampton in 1960s and 1970s; specimens are with Leicestershire Arts and Records Service(Fenscore National Database). (MD 3/03)