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Published ‘Scolytus destructor, not a destroyer of a healthy tree’ in Mag. nat. Hist., 4, 1831, pp.152-57. Also published notes on Diptera and Dermaptera. (MD 6/02)

DENNY, Henry

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Born in Norwich. Lived there until 1825 when he moved to Leeds following his appointment as Sub-Curator (later re-titled Curator and Assistant Secretary) of the Leeds Philosophical Society. He was also Secretary to the West Riding Geological and Polytechnic Society which involved various duties including the preparation for publication of the Transactions. To both Societies he contributed frequent papers on a wide range of subjects including entomology.


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Thanked for help by Johnson and Halbert (1902), p.543. Presumably this is the same M. Dulap who published ‘A rare weevil in Counties Dublin and Kerry’ in INJ., 3, 1930, p.20. Miss Delap, who is also thanked (p.542), was presumably a relative. (MD 6/02)


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The NHM purchased 100 Coleoptera in 1899 which Degen had collected in Australia (99.147), and in 1909 he gave two further beetles he had collected in Uganda (1909.183). (MD 6/02)

DEBY, Julian

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Published a note on Lyctus canaliculatus in Zool., 6, 1848, p.2116. Presumably this is the same J.Deby who later gave 5 Coleoptera from Java to the NHM (91.31) and Afractocerus luteolus Fairm. from Sumatra (91.46). An extract from a letter with the latter mentions how it was caught, that he spent one year in Sumatra and that other specimens were given to the Belgian Entomological Society. He lived at 31 Belsize Avenue, S. Hampstead, London. (MD 6/02)