DAVIES, Michael

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Published ‘A contribution to the ecology of species of Notiophilus and allied genera’ in EMM., 95, 1959, pp.25-28; ‘The larvae of some British Notiophilus’, ibid., 99, 1963, pp.206-209; and Tortrix castana, Schiff and Ceuthorhynchus assimilis (Payk.) on Cardaria draba L.’, ibid., 100, 1964, p.206. The first two of these articles were based on work done for a postgraduate thesis at Oxford. He has also written about laboratory techniques. (MD 5/02)


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Listed in Cowley (1948) as interested in Coleoptera, especially Geodephaga. His address at that time was Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey. Subsequent addresses have been in High Wycombe and Orpington, Kent. He published three articles on Carabids in EMM., ‘Amara montivaga Sturm in Surrey’ (86, 1950,p.326), ‘The contents of the crops of some British Carabid beetles’ (89,1953, pp.18-23) and ‘Feeding behaviour of some Amara spp.’ (89, 1953, pp.18-23). He was attached to Imperial College and to the Bureau of Animal Population, Botanic Garden, Oxford.


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Gave a Cerambycid from Khasi Hills, Assam to the NHM in May 1907 (1907.164) and another beetle from Bitie, W. Africa in March 1908 (1908.66). He gave his address in 1907 as Walcot, Addiscombe Road, Croydon. See E. Davies above. (MD 5/02)


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Gave 14 Coleoptera from Mexico and North Borneo to the NHM in April 1908 (1908.136). Listed with the same address as G. Davies below. (MD 5/02)


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Mentioned by Marsham (1802) in connection with Chrysomela rufitarsis (p.182) and Dytiscus inaequalis (p.417). (MD 5/02)

DAVIDSON, William F.

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Mineralogist who lived at Penrith. Published notes on Lepidoptera and Odonata and two notes about beetles: ‘Notes on Cumberland and Westmorland Coleoptera’ in EMM., 97, 1961, pp.15-21 and ‘Necrophorus interruptus Steph. in Cumberland’, ibid., p.264. The former runs to more than a hundred and twenty specimens. In it he mentions collecting with Harry Britten shortly before his death and with the late W.A.North. Help in identification was provided by F.H.Day (see below).