CURTIS, William
Born in Norwich, the elder brother of Charles Morgan (see above). Interested himself in natural history at an early age, particularly insects, and became friendly with Richard Walker, a local naturalist, and later the author of Flora Oxiensis, by whom he was much influenced, and with Dr (later Sir James) Edward Smith and with the Hooker family. The young Hooker (later Sir W.J.) is known to have helped Curtis with the naming of insects. At school he also became friendly with Henry Browne, whose mother had a collection of Lepidoptera, which Curtis is known to have studied.
CURTIS, Charles Morgan
CUMMING, Peter Thomas
Well known naturalist and conchologist who has been described as the 'Prince of Collectors'. Cuming was born at West Alvington in Devon, and emigrated to Chile at the age of 28. He began collecting shells in the South Pacific region in 1821, returning to England in 1831. Between 1836 and 1839 he visited the Philippines. F.W. Hope, 'Characters and descriptions of several new genera and species of Coleopterous insects', Trans.ZSL, 1, 1835, p.106, records that he named Prionus cumingii after Cuming who obtained it at Concepcion and Valparaiso on the trunks of trees.