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A Reverend. He appears to have travelled extensively. In 1945 he published 'Two new species of Coleoptera from Persia' (Ent.mon.Mag., 81, p110-111) in which he recorded that he had collected beetles in that country in his spare time for ten years. In 1947 he published in the same journal ‘Rhagonycha montana described from Morocco' (83, 9) and in 1949 he offered Egyptian, Persian, Chinese and Californian Hymenoptera in exchange for Carabids and Tabanid flies (85, XI).


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A Reverend who lived at Ballymoney, Co. Antrim in 1858. He published two letters in Ent.Weekly Int., 86, 22 May 1858, 61, and 89, 12 June 1858, 76 in which he informed subscribers that he had various duplicate Coleoptera to give away or exchange ‘I shall be happy to share my captures with any one who sends a box and postage.


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An E. Bevan is listed as a subscriber to Denny (1825). Perhaps this is Edward Bevan, (July 1769-31 January 1859), the author of several works on the Honey Bee. A short obituary notice in Ent.Weekly Int., 7, 1859, 160 notices a record of his death in the Hereford Times, 1859, and records that he had been 'blind for several years’. FES 1833-1835. (MD 10/01)

BEST, Dudley

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Born in England but emigrated with his parents to Victoria, Australia in 1850. Became a well-known Coleopterist in Australia and was one of the founder members of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria. Morphnos bestii Sl. (1902), Notonomus besti Sl. (1902) and Macrones besti Blkb. (1907) were all named after him.


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Bentley is mentioned many times in Stephens (1828-1831) from 1828, as a collector of British Coleoptera, sometimes in association with Samouelle and Chant. He was a member of the London Entomological Society between 1780-2, and may be the Mr Bentley of Britannia Street, City, who is listed as a subscriber to Denny (1825). He may have been related to William Bentley (1789-1859), the Lepidopterist, who was also a friend of Chant. (MD 10/01)

BENSON, William Henry

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Published three articles on beetles: 'Description of four new species of the Coleopterous family of the Paussidae’ in Calcutta Journal of Natural History, 6, 1846, 459-470, 'Notes on the capture of Paussi at the Cape of Good Hope', Trans.Ent.Soc.Lond., 5, 1847, 30-32; and 'On the possible identity of Paussus lineatus and Pirryanus', Ann.Mag.nat.Hist., (3)7, 1861, 459-463. Fowler (1912) mentions that Benson collected Paussidae at Cawnpur and elsewhere in the United Provinces. (MD 10/01)