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Well known as the author of A History of the Spiders of Great Britain (1861-64) but also interested himself in a wide range of other natural history subjects including entomology. He was born at Crumpsall Old Hall, near Manchester. Moved to Llanwrst in N. Wales where he lived first at Oaklands (about 1832) and later at Hendre House where he remained for the rest of, his life.


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Educated in Epping where he met Henry Doubleday who may have influenced him to become interested in entomology. Certainly he collected Lepidoptera as well as Coleoptera. His home in England was in Wandsworth, London where he died.


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Born in Islington, London. He was a Church of England clergyman who emigrated to Australia in 1882 after periods firstly as a Civil Servant and later as Chaplain to the Bishop of Honolulu in the Hawaiian Islands (from end 1876). He died at Woodville Vicarage, Adelaide, South Australia.

BLACK, James Ebenezer

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Born at North Berwick, Scotland. He spent his early boyhood in Manchester and later settled at Peebles where he entered into the business of a tweed manufacturer, the profession in which he remained until his early retirement, in about 1905, to take up scientific pursuits. He died at Ludlow while on his way back to Scotland after a six week entomological holiday at Brockenhurst in the New Forest.


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Duff (1993), 4,7 records that Blachford (awarded the CBE) collected extensively in Somerset from 1919 to 1933, but published very little. His collection consisting of several thousand Somerset specimens as well as others from Cornwall, Devon, London, Sussex and various Welsh counties all dating from the 1920s and 30s is in the University of Bath presented by John Baxter, whose specimens are also included in it. It has been partly catalogued by Duff. (MD 10/03)


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Listed in the Ent. Ann., 1860, 4 as interested in British Coleoptera. No address is given. This may be the same Bissill who published ‘A fortnight at Hornsea, Yorks.' in Zoo., 17, 1859, 6697-98. (MD 10/01)

BISHOP, Thomas George

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Born at Carlisle but moved while still a boy to Glasgow where except for a short period when he lived at Lewisham, near London, he resided for the rest of his life. A. Fergusson records in Ent.mon.Mag., 58, 1922, 279 that a journal existed at that time kept by Bishop when aged 14 which gave 'evidence that even at that early age his attention was turned towards the Coleoptera, of which in later years he became an enthusiastic collector and student'. In fact, he seems to have been collecting at even earlier age for E.C. Rye notes in the Ent.