TINKER, Jethro

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Sharp (1908) lists Tinker, who lived at Staleybridge, as one of the earlier students who ‘left any records of their labours, in fact many of them owed the only education they possessed to that training which Nature herself afforded... These men were the first of the group of whom any record exists, and had died out by the middle of the last century.’ He states that Tinker’s collection existed at that time in Liverpool Museum. (MD 12/04)


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Published ‘Records of Coleoptera at South Wigston, Leicester’ in EMM., 79, 1943,113. Lott (2009) p.29 suggests that he may have had some professional involvement with entomology. (MD 11/09)

THORNTON, Joseph Norman

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A senior Transmission Engineer in the Electricity Board who was a member of the Chester Natural History Society. Not specifically interested in Coleoptera but collected them with other insects in Yorkshire, North Wales and Hampshire. His collections passed to the Leeds Museum. FRESL from 1846. (MD 12/04)


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Born near Preston and educated at Manchester Grammar School and Merton College, Oxford. He was ordained in 1879 and worked in several parishes in Nottingham, including South Leverton, near Retford, until relieved of parochial work to take up a position training teachers of natural history. Not long after he found himself responsible for supervising the teaching of this subject in more than 700 schools throughout Nottingham and Leicestershire.