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A collection of Coleoptera formed by this insect dealer, who lived in Oxford 1894 -1914 and was particularly interested in exotic butterflies, was acquired by Bastian Brothers of Reading in 1898. There is correspondence with Herbert Druce in the RESL (Pedersen (2002) p.63). (MD 11/04, 11/09)


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A collection of Coleoptera formed by this insect dealer, who lived in Oxford 1894 -1914 and was particularly interested in exotic butterflies, was acquired by Bastian Brothers of Reading in 1898. (MD 11/04)

SWALE, Harold

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Born in Brittany the second son of Rev H.J.Swale of Ingfield Hall, Settle. Entered the medical profession and settled at Tavistock.. His main interest was in the Hymenoptera but he made extensive collections of Coleoptera particularly in New Zealand where he spent three years from 1900 and later during other appointments he took in Africa, India, New Zealand, again, and Samoa. H.E.Andrewes states in his obituary in EMM., 55, 1919, pp.140-41, that Swale gave many of his Coleoptera during his lifetime (they knew each other for some sixty years) to him and to the NHM.


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Stephens (1828) pp.75,80 refers to the collection of the ‘late Mr W. Swainson’. I assume, therefore, that this cannot be William Swainson (1789 – 7 December 1855) who published on insects and was an active member of the ESL from 1837. A box of exotic Chrysomelidae and another of exotic Curculionidae ‘ex collection W.Swainson’, are in the Cambridge Museum, and Smith (1986) p.88 refers to letters, woodcuts, etc. in the HDO dating from 1828-33. (MD 11/04)


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There are specimens from Surrey bearing this name in the D.G.Hall collection at the North Hertfordshire Museum. (Information from Trevor James). (MD 11/04)


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Glasgow Museum acquired two boxes of British beetles, including insects collected by Sutton, at the sale of the National Butterfly Museum on 27 October 1983, lots 922-923. Specimens with labels give Hertfordshire and Essex localities and are dated 1931-32. One box contained Dytiscus, Carabus, etc. and the other Lucanus, Prionus, etc.. Some of the specimens bear the name D.Wright and Sussex localities in 1972. Sutton was a member of the SLENHS (Information from Geoff Hancock). (MD 11/04)


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The HDO acquired in 1839 some boxes of insects, chiefly Coleoptera, from Sierra Leone from Strachan. Some of the specimens were preserved in gin. (Smith (1986) p.153). (MD 11/04)