SOPP, E J Burgess

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Hon Secretary of the Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society in 1906. An anonymous collection in the Booth Museum, Brighton, nicely laid out in 20 store boxes has been identified by Peter Hodge as Sopp’s. There is a letter written by Sopp of 19 April 1898, with drawings, in vol 1 of the W.E.Sharp correspondence at Liverpool. (MD 11/04)


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Published ‘Captures of Coleoptera at Wimbledon’ in EWI., 8, 1860, p.53 and ‘Captures of Coleoptera at Sanderstead’ in Zool., 19, 11861, p.7530. (MD 11/04)


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Bolton Museum acquired 15 boxes of Coleoptera from Smith as a gift on 28 April 1893. Hancock and Pettit (1981) record that the collection may not be extant and that he was a local man about whichthey knew nothing.

SMITH, Edgar.

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Mentioned in Oliver Janson’s diary at Cambridge eg. Nov. 1866, June 1867. Andrew Duff believes that this may be the Edgar Smith, mentioned by Fowler & Donisthorpe (Brit Col VI p.281) under Bostrichus capucinus, where Smith is said to have taken it in 'Bishops Wood' in 1865. James thought this wood could be in Herts and refers to the record in square brackets in his Beetles of Hertfordshire. (MD 11/04, 2/20)

SMITH, Arthur

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Lived in York. There are specimens collected by him on the Isle of Wight dated 1947 in the general collection at Doncaster Museum. They were acquired as part of the Gilmour Collection. (MD 11/04)

SLOAN, George

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Glasgow Museum acquired a collection of Brazilian insects including Coleoptera from Sloan in 1921 (1921-22). He lived at 14 Atholl Gardens, Glasgow. (Information from Geoff Hancock). (MD 11/04)