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This name appears in the Gorham diary in Birmingham Museum and in the Janson diary at Cambridge Museum eg. August 1869, October 1871. Perhaps this is the same Moncrieff whose name appears on Coleoptera in the Hall collection at Oldham (information from Simon Hayhow). (MD 2/04)

MOFFET, Thomas

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Also spelt Moufet, Mouffett, and Muffet. Second son of a haberdasher of Scottish descent. Educated at Merchant Taylors School, and at Cambridge University and Basle where he studied medicine obtaining a doctorate at the latter in 1578. Travelled widely in Europe before returning to England towards the end of 1580. Lived at first in Ipswich before moving to London and finally to Bulbridge near Salisbury where he was given a home as a pensioner by the Count and Countess of Pembroke.


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Employed by the Comission for Overseas Pest Research in the 1970s when he was based in the Caribbean, but he seems otherwise to have been associated with North Wales and Anglesey. Max Barclay (BBI website 17.9.2006) noted that a collection of beetles made by Mitchell was acquired by the NHM in 1998, and that it was composed of about 50% British and 50% foreign, mainly Caribbean. ‘The collection is listed as having been presented by 'P. Mitchell' so I suspect the collector may be dead. It was presented to the Hymenoptera Section, but beetles filtered through to me some time later.


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Duff (1993) p.4 describes Milton as spending ‘most of his life as a church-worker in East London. He was a general entomologist who travelled quite widely in the Home Counties and also received specimens from Wellington, Somerset, to where he later moved, probably on his retirement. For some years he was an honorary member of the entomological section of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society and left his collection to Taunton Museum.


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This name appears on Coleoptera from Brazil, China, Japan and India, collected in 1919-1938, in the foreign collection at Oldham (information from Simon Hayhow). (MD 2/04)