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There is a collection of beetles by Miles made in c.1866 incorporated into the general collection of British Coleoptera at Exeter Museum. (MD 2/04)


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A collection of beetles and Lepidoptera made by McNaught before 1970 is in Bury Art Gallery and Museum (Acc. No. 1907.13). (Fenscore). (MD 2/04)


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A Doctor who published ‘Occurrence of Lathridius filum Aube; a species new to Britain’ in EMM., 3, 1866, p.46. Gave his address as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Mentioned in the Janson diary at Cambridge eg. Aug 1869. Two specimens of Mormolyce phyllodes from Java were given by him to the RSM in 1861. (MD 2/04)

McGREGOR, Thomas M.

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Worked as a printer in Perth before emigrating to Australia in c. 1896. The large beetle collection in Perth Museum was primarily his work (and Francis Buchanan White’s). A photograph and some correspondence (includes T.Hudson Beare?) is associated with it. (Information from Michael Taylor). 1883-84. Corresponding Member of the Dutch Entomological Society and a Knight of the Netherlands’ Lion. (MD 2/04)