Head and pronotum shining black with a slight metallic reflection. Elytra black to mid brown with four discrete pale spots that do not reach the front margins.
Size: 2.8-3.4mm Basic colour: Brown and black. Pattern colour: Head and pronotum shining black with a slight metallic reflection. Elytra black to mid brown with four discrete pale spots that do not reach the front margins. Pronotoum: Shining black and quadrate. Leg colour: Mid-pale brown. Confusion species: Bembidion articulatum , Confusion species: Bembidion quadripustulatum
Status: Widespread in eastern and southern England, local in the rest of England, Wales and southern Scotland. Habitat: Fields and gardens on open dry soils. Other notes: Elytra with seven punctured striae in front half, at least the inner four striae extending well into apical half of elytra.
Size: 3.3-4.2mm Basic colour: Shining metallic black. Pronotoum: Wider than long. Leg colour: Pale brown with metallic dark brown or black femora. Confusion species: Bembidion illigeri , Confusion species: Bembidion quadrimaculatum
Status: Very scarce. Very local in southern and eastern England and east Wales. UKBAP Species: Yes Habitat: Damp, sometimes shaded bare mud or clay. Other notes: Frontal furrows only slightly convergent. Elytra with four discrete spots, dark shoulders. All striae present almost to elytral apex.