FOSTER, William

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Gave four batches of insects including 517 Coleoptera which he had taken in Paraquay to the NHM between 1902 and 1905 (1902.282, 1903.138, 1904.251, 1905.188) Some were in exchange for determinations. Harvey,J.M.V. et al(1996) p.79 list two manuscripts in the NHM a List of Coleoptera collected by the Sladen Expedition to Santa Anna da Chapada in Matto Grosso, and Central Brazil, 1903; and a list of Collections sent for determination by W.Foster from Sapuray, Paraguay, 1903. (MD 12/02)


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Chalmers-Hunt,J.M.(1976) records that Chinese and Japanese Coleoptera were sold by Fortune at Stevens's rooms on 28 May 1858. These are presumably the same insects which Smith,A.Z.(1986) records as having being purchased by F.W.Hope in June 1858 and which are now in the HDO. (MD 12/02)


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Smith,A.Z.(1986) p.119 notes that Fortnum sent ‘various Australian insects’ to Hope (1840.5). He also gave an example of Carabus hispanus to the NHM on 8 January 1839. (Also gave Lepidoptera to NHM). (MD 12/02)

FORSTER, Harold W.

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Charles MacKechnie-Jarvis in an obituary notice of Forster in EMM., 1974, p.255, notes that he became an active collector of Coleoptera in 1938 and that he recorded many interesting species from Epping Forest in particular. These included most noticeably Lathridius norvegicus Strand (now L. australicus Belon) which he found in a burned out hollow beech- and which A.A.Allen described as new to Britain (ibid., 88, 1952, pp.282-283). Among other interesting captures by Forster which MacKechnie-Jarvis notes are Spercheus emarginatus SI.


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The 1905 register at the NHM records a collection of insects from India including 283 Coleoptera as being left in the Entomological Department by Dr Forsayeth 'many years ago'. He gave his address as Aldershot. (MD 12/02)

FORREST, T. Burberry

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Leicestershire collector who ‘teamed up’ with Harry Holyoak in Leicestershire and also visited the New Forest, Isle of Wight and North Lancashire, ‘but he never published a word and not a single detail survives of any of the species he caught’ . He presented 93 Leicestershire beetles to the Leicester Museum on 23 September 1874 and 71 specimens of Leicestershire Chrysomelidae on 17 October 1875 (presumably without data) (Lott, 2009, pp.12-13). (MD 11/09)