FORAN, Charles

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Published ‘Beetles’ in Report of the Eastbourne Natural History Society, 10, 1878, p.14, and ‘Notes on some of the beetles of the Cuckmere district’, ibid., 12, 1880, p.16. (MD 12/02)


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Ryan et al. (1984) p.63, list an article by Foot entitled ‘Brief notes on Entomology’ in Proc.Dub.Nat.Hist.Soc, 6, 1870, pp.62-66, which mentions Coleoptera. (MD 12/02)


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Smith,A.Z. (1986) p.119 records that E. Ray Lancaster purchased a weevil with a cocoon and 5 Homoptera from Madagascar, from Flower in 1894 for £4 for the HDO. To the NHM he gave various insects including 26 Coleoptera which he had collected in August 1896 in Switzerland (1896.209). (MD 12/02)

FLETCHER, Thomas Bainbrigge

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Born in Stonehouse and educated at Dulwich College. He joined the navy and was posted as a clerk to HMS Inflexible on 15 January 1896. In March 1910 he was seconded to the Department of Agriculture of the Government of India and then took up entomology, which had previously been a hobby, professionally, being appointed in 1911 Government Entomologist in Madras. Two years later he succeeded Maxwell Lefroy as Imperial Entomologist. He was granted naval retired pay as Fleet Paymaster in November 1915.

FLETCHER, John Edward

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Born in Newton, Worcestershire. His obituary in EMM, 38, 1902, 134-135 states that he lived in comparatively humble circumstances following the occupation of a working glover, but ‘he was a man of rare intelligence, and, as his letters showed, of considerable education, albeit, probably largely self taught’. He was ‘retiring and reserved in the extreme’ and ‘did not mix with others of similar tastes, even in his own locality’.


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Well known Canadian entomologist who was born in Kent before emigrating in his twenties. Almost all his publications on entomology, some half a dozen of which related to Coleoptera, were published in Canada. He died in Montreal. Gilbert,P.(1977) lists eighteen obituary and other notices, several of which include portraits. (MD 12/02)


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George Green informs me that ‘We recently discovered remains of his collection lost in the bowels of Worcester Museum in old cigar boxes covered with industrial grime and savaged by Museum beetle. Fortunately his labels are pretty good and we can work out his zone of activity mainly on the W side of Worcester. I understand his beetles and lepidoptera were included with other material in the museum but not the afore-mentioned cigar box Diptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, etc....There is no written documentation that we can discover so far.


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Presumably this is the Rev. J. Fleming mentioned in Stephens (1828) p.172, as the captor of Blemus paludosus in Zetland. He appears to have been friendly with Andrew Murray and perhaps accompanied him on collecting trips, for Murray, A. (1853) p.vii, states: ‘Prof. Fleming of the Free Church College, Edinburgh... and myself have more particularly worked out Fife, Perth, Kinross and Clackmannan’. Gilbert,P.(1977) mentions an account of Fleming by A. Bryson in Trans.R.Soc.Edinburgh, 22, 1861, pp.655-680 which I have not seen. (MD 12/02)