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Published ‘A note on Galerucella viburni’ in EMM., 83, 1947, p.129; ‘Lasiorhynchites opthalmicus Steph. in Worcestershire’, ibid., p.153, and ‘Cantharis rustica Fallen and its prey’, ibid., 89, 1951, p.19. He lived in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire and also published on Lepidoptera and Hemiptera. (MD 12/02)


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A Doctor. Published ‘Biological observations on various Chrysomelidae’ in EMM., 85, 1949, p.145, which showed that he had made a detailed study of Galerucella at Askham Bog, and ‘A note on Nacerdes melanura’, ibid., p.151. He lived in York. (MD 12/02)


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Gave 28 Coleoptera and other insects from Persia to the NHM when he was working at the India Office (1894.14, 1894.180 and 1895.127). (MD 12/02)


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Listed as a member of the AES from 1974 with interests in Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. His address is given as 24 Digswell Road, Welwyn, Hertfordshire. He was especially interested in Cerambycidae and part of his collection is incorporated in that of the N. Herts. Museums. Another part, including some notebooks, is with the Welwyn-Hatfield Museum Service, but much material is reported to be missing. (Information from Trevor James). (MD 12/02)

FERGUSSON, Anderson (D?)

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Described in the only notice I have been able to find about him (Proc.RESL., 14(C), 1949-50, p.64) as a ‘well known Scottish Coleopterist’. He was certainly responsible for the article on Coleoptera in the British Association Handbook for Glasgow and the West of Scotland, 1901, and he published some ten or so notes on beetles in the Ann.Scot.nat.Hist., the EMM. and the Trans.nat.Hist.Soc. Glasgow between 1896 and 1935. The most important of these is probably ‘Some rare Ayrshire Coleoptera’ in the last mentioned journal, (NS) 5, 1896-99, pp.136-137.


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Published a number of articles on insects including two on Coleoptera: ‘The Wasp Beetle when impaled, produces an obvious noise, and in the following manner’ and ‘Localities near London in which the Glowworm has occurred, the larvae differs from the perfect insect, the eggs are luminous’, Mag.Nat.Hist., 7, 1834, p.61, and 8, 1835, pp.625-626. (MD 12/02)