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Gave four collections of insects including Coleoptera which he had made while serving in the British Embassy at Constantinople, to the NHM between 1923-1925. Most were from the Embassy gardens (1923.435, 1923.557, 1924.31, 1925.281). (See Miss Grace Edwards above). (MD 10/02)


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Henry Turner recorded in EMM., 1928, p.279, that Edwards was ‘an Entomologist from childhood’. He did most of his early collecting in the area of Norwich where he lived and by the age of 24 was able to give a collection of local material to the Castle Museum (see below). In 1891 he left Norwich to take up the position of curator and secretary to Henry John Elwes of Colesborne Park, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

EDWARDS, Frederick Wallace

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Well known Dipterist who was attached to the staff of the NHM. As one of the early members of the Letchworth Naturalists Society he also collected Coleoptera, and specimens are included in the collections of the N. Hertfordshire Museums (I am grateful to Trevor James for this information). Gilbert (1977) p.103, lists 15 obituaries and other notices. (MD 10/02)


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Gave 250 insects including 19 Coleoptera which he had collected in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and Fiji to the NHM in 1923 (1923.44 and 1923.408). (MD 10/02)


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Lived in Devon. There are specimens bearing this name in the D.G.Hall Collection at Baldock. (I am grateful to Trevor James for this information). (Could this be an error for Edmonds perhaps?) (MD 10/02)