D'URBAN, William Stewart Mitchell

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Listed in the Ent.Ann. in 1856 as interested in British Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. His address is given as Newport, near Exeter. By 1857 he had moved to Canada, and in 1859 he presented 243 Canadian Coleoptera to the NHM (59.124). There is correspondence with Roland Trimen, dated from 1860 to 1868, from British Kaffaria and Exeter, in the RESL (Pedersen (2002) p.71). (MD 9/02, 11/09)

DUPRE, Charles C.

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C.W.Waterhouse's Localities volume in the RSM mentions that he collected with Dupre. Dupre's collection is now in Bolton Museum as part of the Mason collection (identifiable by small white labels). Hancock and Pettitt (1981) record that it includes some 3,000 specimens collected mainly in the South East in the period 1871-78, together with a MS Register of Coleoptera, with code numbers, which enables specimens from other collectors to be identified. About 500 specimens from J. Scott, G.R.Crotch, R. Lawson, Power and Janson are included.

DUNNING, Joseph William

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General entomologist whose main work was on the Lepidoptera but who also published one or two notes on Xylotrechus and ‘Cetonia aurata emerging in April’, Trans.ESL., 1869, p.xi. Dunning was responsible for the ESL gaining its charter and gave very generously of his time and funds to this institution of which he was President 1883-84. Gilbert (1977) lists 6 obituaries and other notices. (MD 9/02)

DUNLOP, Gavin Alfred

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Born in Nottingham of Scottish parents and educated at Govan. He intended to go to Glasgow University but was prevented and took up coach-building during the day while studying the natural sciences in the evening. The knowledge he gained in this way eventually enabled him to give up coach-building and obtain a post in the Museum at Keighly. Subsequently he transferred to Warrington Museum where he remained for the rest of his career. For much of his life Dunlop was handicapped by both lameness and deafness. Dunlop was particularly interested in field work and in marinezoology.


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Listed in the Ent.Ann., 1860, as interested in British and East Indian insects of all orders. His address is given as 95 Lower Bagot Street, Dublin. (MD 9/02)


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Very little biographical information about Duncan appears to have been published and no obituary notices are recorded. He is chiefly remembered for the entomological volumes he wrote for W. Jardine's Naturalists Library including the volume on Beetles, first published in 1835, and subsequently re-issued under the title Beetles British and Foreign containing a full description of the more important varieties (no date but probably 1880s).


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Gave 94 Coleoptera which he had collected in China to the NHM in four batches between 1932-34 (1932.405, 15 specimens; 1933.125, 5 specimens; 1934.278, 35 specimens; 1934.454, 38 specimens) (MD 9/02)