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Collected Coleoptera in Borneo, Sarawak and the Philippines which were acquired by the NHM between 1876 and 1892. (1876.35: 7 specimens purchased from Higgins; 1877.46: 4 specimens from the Philippines purchased from Higgins; 1890.1: 1 Lampyrid given by Everett; 1893.17: 33 specimens purchased from E. Garrard; and 1892.8: 36 specimens purchased from E. Garrard). (MD 10/02)

EVE, Anthony

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Lived at Carshalton Surrey and collected Coleoptera. At one time he was in partnership with Eric Classey but left him to set up a book business of his own. (MD 3/03)

EVANS, William Harry

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Best known for his work on Indian Lepidoptera and later on Hesperiidae in the NHM, but appears to have had an interest in Cdoleoptera too for amongst the collection of manuscript material in the Museum listed by Harvey et al (1996) is a notebook Catalogue of Coleoptera from Grenada, c.1891. (MD 10/02)

EVANS, William Frederick

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Chalmers Hunt (1976) records that Evans sold a collection of British and foreign insects, and his library through Stevens on 22 November 1870 and 26 February 1875. This is presumably the same W.F. Evans who gave four gifts of Coleoptera to the NHM between 1845 and 1847 (1845.132; 1846.113; 1847.45; 1847.85. Other insects were given at different times) from various countries including N. Africa, and who gave his address in 1857 as 'Admiralty'. Pedersen (2002) p.57 records that there are drawings of insects by W.F.Evans in ‘Templeton’s’ scrapbook in the RESL. (MD 10/02, 11/09)

EVANS, William Edgar

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Son of William Evans (see above). Collected a large number of insects in Mesopotamia while serving there as a Captain in the R.A.M.C.. K.J.Morton, ‘Odonata from Mesopotamia’ in EMM., 55, 1919, pp.142-151, gives some account of his travels there. Many of these insects, including types, were subsequently acquired by the RSM (1951.73) together with Evans's collecting diary. (MD 10/02)

EVANS, William

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Born in Edinburgh. He entered the service of the Scottish Widows Fund but was obliged to retire when in his early 40s as a result of ill health. He then devoted the remainder of his life to a wide range of natural history pursuits including entomology. Although he had travelled extensively in the British Isles and in Europe, and had visited the United States and Canada, most of his work was on the Scottish fauna and flora, particularly of the Forth area. Evans's interest in entomology was wide ranging as the many notes and articles which he published in the Ann. Scot. nat. Hist.

EVANS, R. de B.

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Collected 2,000 insects including 33 Coleoptera from Columbia, Trinidad, Venezuela and other countries which were given to the NHM by Miss B.A.H.Evans in 1934 (1934.29). (MD 10/02)


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Gave 100 Beetles from Assam which were registered at the NHM in 1885 with the note ‘These were received in a bottle with spirit many years ago, but no letter of explanation accompanied them’. (MD 10/02)

EVANS, Michael S.

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Son of I.M.Evans. Before his early death in a climbing accident, Evans's main interests were in wood lice, of which he was recorder for the county of Leicestershire, and in the Carabidae. He published a note on ‘Leistus rufomarginatus (Dufts.) in Leicestershire’ in EMM., 114, 1978, p.125, based on a specimen taken by his friend E. Randall Wright. (Information from Derek Lott). (MD 10/02)