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A C.B.E.. Collected Coleoptera and other insects, particularly Lepidoptera in India and Africa on which he published several notes in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. and India Museum Notes. He is mentioned by Arrow and Fowler in their respective FBI volumes. Dudgeon gave a number of gifts of Coleoptera to the NHM between 1894 and 1909 (94.89: 20 specimens from Sikkim; 96.233: 3 specimens from Sikkim; 1900.237: 3 specimens from the Kayra Valley; 1901.109: 1 specimn from the Kayra Valley; and 1910.28: 50 Bruchus from N. Nigeria).


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Subscribed to a copy of Denny (1825). He lived in London and was FLS. Possibly a relative of Charles Dubois (1656-1740) the botanist and horticulturalist who also had an interest in entomology. (MD 9/02)


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Collected insects including Coleoptera for the Imperial Bureau of Entomology in Kenya which were given to the NHM in 1928 (1928.170). (MD 9/02)


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Born in Wood Lane, London, the son of Dru Drury (b.1688), a silversmith, and his wife Mary, nee Hesketh. Seven other children all died young. Assisted his father in the business and took it over himself on 7 June 1748. It was at this time that he married Esther Pedley, a daughter of his father's first wife by her former husband, and in doing so acquired several freehold properties in London and Essex which brought him an annual income of between £250-300. In 1771 he purchased a silversmith's stock and shop at 32 Strand.


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Served in the Navy. Gave 36 beetles which he had collected from the Upper Nile, Egypt, to the NHM in 1903 (1903.70a). (MD 9/02)

DRUMMOND, David Classon

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Published a number of notes on Chrysomelidae between 1952-58 including ‘Records of some Chrysomelidae and their food plants', EMM., 88, 1952, p.19; on a parasite of Chrysolina graminius L., ibid., p.46; 'Food plants of Chrysolina species', ibid., 92, 1956, p.368; and 'Records of some species of Oreina and their food plants in Pyrenees Orientales’, ibid., 94, 1958, p.203. FRES 1950-1971. (MD 3/03)


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Mentioned by J. Stephens (1828-1831), 1, p.113. to whom Drummond gave several specimens of Omaseus aterrimus Fab. from near Cork in Ireland. (MD 9/02)

DRUCE, Herbert

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Well known Lepidopterist. During the course of his collecting, particularly in Central America he also took Coleoptera. The NHM acquired 42 specimens from Panama which he had collected by purchase from Janson in April 1871 (71.12), and Smith (1986) p.116, records that a bottle of Lepidopterous and Coleopterous larvae which he took at Chiriqui was acquired by the HDO in 1886. It is possible that Coleoptera may also be included in the collection of insects from Borneo acquired by the HDO in 1899. (MD 9/02)