DUNBAR, Mrs J.L.Duff

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Made three gifts of Coleoptera to the NHM between 1880-85: 3 from Scotland (80.38); 27 Gyrinus minutus from Dhu Lock, Wick (81.18); and 1 from the Island of Elephantina (85.31). The last is recorded as 'collected by herself'. She lived at Ackersgill Tower, Wick, Scotland. (MD 9/02)


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Worked for the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology in the 1950s. Gave 5 weevils which he had collected in New Guinea to the NHM in 1951 (1951.139) and 10 Coleoptera from Keravat in the same year (1951.493). (MD 9/02)


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Lived at Milton Street, Susex. Dumbrell collected in the period 1960-1975, sometimes in company with Peter Hodge and Richard Jones, and built up a good collection of Sussex material supported with collecting diaries. (I am grateful to Peter Hodge for this information). (MD 9/02)

DUFFY, Evelyn A. J.

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Best known for the important series of Monographs on the Immature Stages of Timber Beetles which he wrote while on the staff of the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology. These volumes comprised: British and Imported, 1953; American, 1957; African, 1957; Supplement to African, 1980; Neotropical, 1960; Australian, 1963; and Oriental, 1968. Before devoting the major part of his time to this work Duffy wrote a number of articles on the British fauna including ‘The Coleopterous fauna of the Hants.


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Smith (1986) records 680 insects of all orders from south-western United States (1932) and 114 insects from Suez and Port Tewfik, Egypt, Colombo, Ceylon and at sea in the HDO.

DUFFIELD, Charles Alban William

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Educated at Cambridge University and subsequently at Wye College where he studied economic entomology and then worked under Theobald on aphids and frog hoppers. When Theobald died Duffield became entomological adviser to the Cooper Technical Bureau. In 1935 he inherited sufficient funds to enable him to retire and purchase land around his house at Ashford, Kent. Some of this land was subsequently acquired by the Nature Conservancy Council and now forms part of the Wye and Crundale Down National Nature Reserve.


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Published 'Monstrosity of a Bembidium littorale' in EWI., 3, 1857, p.54 and 'How to kill beetles', ibid., pp.54-55. He 1ived in London. Perhaps this is the Dudgeon whose collection was sold by Stevens in 1891 (see above). (MD 9/02)