ANDERSON, Roy (Robert)

Educated at Annadale Grammar School and Queen's University, Belfast. His primary degree is in Pure Chemistry (2.1 Hons). Wrote his postgraduate thesis on 'Nitrogen metabolism of hormone-stimulated, folate-deficient, chick oviduct' before working for the N. Ireland Department of Agriculture, as an agricultural chemist. In retirement (2007) he has taken up work full-time on the systematics and biogeography of not just Coleoptera but non-marine Mollusca, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Ascomycotina (Fungi). He works part-time as a consultant on environmental matters with the N.


Published 'The supply of oxygen to the active flight muscles of Petrognatha gigas (F.) in Ent., 98, 1965, 88-94, with P. L. Miller. At that time he was attached to the Department of Zoology at Oxford University. (MD 8/17)


AMOS, Terence George

Attached to the Victorian Plant Research Institute, Swan Street, Burnley 3121, Victoria, Australia, but worked previously for the Tropical Stored Products Research Centre at Slough. Wrote this Ph.D thesis on 'Studies on the orientation behaviour of Carpophilus hemipterus L. and C. dimidiatus F. and other stored products beetles in humidity gradients' (St. Andrews University, 1965). Subsequently  published 'Some observations on locomotory activity of Carpophilus hemipterus L. and C.


Presented 660 beetles from Austria, Java and Borneo to the NHM in 1954/55 after earlier gifts (1933-35) of 216 from Albania and France collected with N.Y. Sandwith and N.D. Simpson respectively.  (MD 8/17)


Published the capture of Sphodrus leucophthalmus L. in a jug of water in the cellar of his house Aldridge Cottage, Little Milton, Oxon in August 1945 in Ent.mon.Mag., 81, 1945, 252. (MD 8/17)

ALLIN, James S.

Published 'Pediacus near London' in Ent.mon.Mag., 10, 1873, 19 at which time he lived at 20 Beaumont Square, Mile End Road, London. Collected with G.C.Champion and J.G.Marsh whom he called his friends. Henry Gorham's diary in the Birmingham Museum, covering the period 1867-1896 lists J. Allin as one of the people from whom he received beetles. Allin was also interested in Lepidoptera and a note about Pachnobia alpina in the Scott. Nat., 2, 1873, 162, indicates that he was collecting at Braemar in July 1872. (MD 8/17)

ALLEN, William

Published 'Extraordinary quantity of Coccinellidae' in Zoologist 1847, 5 1898-99. This is probably the same William Allen who is listed in Entomologist's Annual in 1857 and 1860 as interested in Coleoptera and Diptera. At that time he lived at Western Terrace, The Park, Nottingham (A.C.F.Allen is also listed at this address interested in Hymenoptera). Horn and Schenkling (1928: 11) are surely incorrect in listing Allen's dates as 1793-1864 since these refer to William Allen the naval officer and artist. (MD 8/17, 9/22)).


In an article in the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (1953, 89: 148-9) titled 'Two remarkable rediscoveries in the British Coleoptera' A.A. Allen recorded how 'due to the energy and perseverence of Mr S.E. Allen 'Graphoderus cinereus L. and Uleiota planata L. were found near Liss in Hampshire'. He went on to note that Allen had collected intensively in that area and had found amongst other 'good' things Agonum ericeti Panz., Pediacus depressus Herbst and Leptura rubra L. all of which were almost certainly new records for North Hants.