COLLIER, Henry Marshall

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There is a brief obituary notice in Proc.RESL., (C) 40. 1976, p.51: 'an amateur with wide interests - flies, beetles, lepidoterans, and grasses. He was elected a Fellow in 1946 and was 82 when he died. He illustrates the still wide range of our Fellowship for he earned his living as an engineering storekeeper. I do not know how much, it at all, he attended our meetings here but he was an active member of the Darlington and North Yorkshire Field Club, where his long and wide experience was doubtless invaluable.' (MD 3/03)


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Keith Lewis informs me that at the AES exhibitions in 2002 and 2003 he purchased 4,500+ beetles, including a large number of Carabids, from the collection of the late Mr H.G. Colley, also his three log books. The collection included a specimen of Pterostichus aethiops from Keswick, 22 July 1958 and 7 specimens of Agelastica ulni, (6 from Herts. 2 of which have since been given to the NHM, and one to his friend A.A.Allen) and one from Charmouth, Dorset. Since acquiring the collection he has since received two letters from J.E.

COLLETT, Henry Robert Pyemont.

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Published various notes on Hemiptera in the 1930s and 'Notes on the emergence of Pyrochroa coccinea' in EMM., 71, 1935, pp.112-113. His collection of some 10,000 specimens was presented to the Manchester Museum in 1956. The nature of his relationship to Edward Pyemont Collett is not clear but it was sufficiently close for Harry Britten to confuse, apparently, the two (see E. P. Collett above). (MD 3/02, 11/09)


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Brother of Edward Pyemont Collett (See above). Published one note with him 'Coleoptera near Hastings' in EMM., 18, 1881, p.139. At this time they lived at the same address in Springfield Road, St. Leonards on Sea. That they were brothers is confirmed in the same magazine 20, 1884, p.190 where Edward refers to 'his brother' finding Panageus crux major 'crawling on his trowsers'. (MD 3/02)

COLLETT, Edward Pyemont

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Collett first became interested in beetles, while apprenticed to G. Henry in Hastings as a student dentist, through contact with the Rev. E.N.Bloomfield. Subsequently he became friendly with E.A.Butler who also introduced him to the study of Hemiptera. It was while living on the south coast that he had an accident resulting in the loss of his right eye. Harry Britten, in an obituary in EMM., 73, 1937, p.92 recorded that 'he was well known to the old collectors, and loved to recount interesting outings with Edward Saunders, T.R.Billups, and others of that period...

COLLENETTE, Cyril Leslie

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Well known Lepidopterist and Ornithologist who travelled extensively and was much involved with both the Royal Entomological Society and the British Entomological and Natural History Society. I have not seen any specific references to his collecting beetles but T. James tells me that there are one or two specimens in the D.G.Hall collection in the North Hertfordshire Museums collection which bear his name. There are obituaries in EMM., 95, 1959, p.276 (by Cynthia Longfield); London Naturalist, 39, 1959, pp.136-138 (includes portrait) and Proc.RESL., 24(C), 1959-60, pp.52-53.


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A Doctor. His collection is mentioned by C.A.Collingwoood in EMM., 94, 1958, p.167. It included specimens of Cryptocephalus bipunctatus (L) and Elater nigrinus Pk. labelled 'Holker 1941'. (MD 3/02)


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Published 'Crioceris lilii Scop. in Flintshire' in EMM., 82, 1946, p.51. He was attached at the time to the Department of Agricultural Entomology at Manchester University. (MD 3/02)


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There are five double boxes of insects of all orders collected by Pine in Mexico in the HDO (acquired through Westwood in 1857) together with accompanying MS material concerning habitats (Smith, A.Z. (1986) pp.71,110). (MD 3/02)

COE, Ralph Leonard

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Famous dipterist. Gave 8,890 insects of all orders from Yugoslavia to the British Museum in 1958 (Riley (1964) p.46. This was his second visit. He also travelled to Nepal in 1962. (On the NHM staff?) Pedersen (2002) notes correspondence with C.J.Wainwright in the RESL. (MD 3/02, 11/09, 2/20)