CLEAR, William

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Listed as a subscriber to Denny, H. (1825). Lived in Cork. This is presumably the same 'Mr Clear' who is mentioned in Dawson,J.F. (1854) p.105, and by Johnson,W.F. and Halbert,J.N. (1902) pp.571,595. (MD 3/02)

CLARKE, Robin Oscar Stewart

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Wrote the volume of Heteroceridae (1973) in the series of Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. He was attached to Sheffield Museum in 1964 and was also associated with NHM (in an amateur capacity). Last heard of disappearing to Ethiopia in the early 1970s. (Information from Jonathan Cooter, Colin Welch and Eric Gowing-Scopes). (MD 3/03)


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Gave Lepidoptera and other insects including beetles to the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society, most collected in 1930s - 50s. (See Hancock, E.G. and Pettitt, C.W. (1981)). (MD 3/02)


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Listed in the Ent. Ann., 1857 as interested in British Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Lived at the same address as H.B.Clarke (see above). (MD 3/02)