CLARK, Kenneth John Benjamin
Born in Glasgow. Moved to Australia where he was employed for a time by the Queensland Government Railways. Entered Agricultural Department of Western Australia on 1 October 1920, and was assistant entomologist until he was appointed entomologist to the National Museum, Melbourne, Victoria in 1926., a post which he held for twenty years. Clark worked mainly on ants but his publications did include two articles on myrmecophilous beetles (listed by Musgrave, (1932). There is an obituary by W.L.Brown in Ent. News, 67, 1956,197-199. (MD 2/02)
CLARK, Hamlet
CLARK, Eustace F.
CLARK, Bracy
CHRYSTAL, Robert Neil
CHITTY, Arthur John
Eldest son of the Right Hon. Lord Justice Chitty. Educated at Eton, where he became the head of his house and a member of the cricket eleven, and at Balliol College, Oxford, where he was well known for his sporting prowess. Became a Barrister. Married the daughter of Sir John Croft of Doddington, Kent and had three children. He was for many years Secretary of the All English Lawn Tennis Club, and a keen violinist and astronomer.