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There is a collection in Liverpool Museum bearing this name. Peter Hodge, who determined it, tells me that it includes about 1000 specimens and is housed in 9 home-made, polished wooden boxes. The specimens are dated between 1960-1973 and include examples from other collectors mainly R. Wilding. (MD 3/03)

CONNELL, Ernest B.

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Connell's collections in the Sheffield Museum include a few hundred coleoptera from the West Indies, especially Trinidad. He was a Captain. (I am grateful to Steve Garland for this information.) (MD 3/02)

COLLINS, Joseph Joynson

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Born in Warrington and at the age of thirteen was working as a wire-drawer in a wire rope works. He became interested in Lepidoptera and in 1905 moved to Oxford as a temporary assistant in the Hope Department. Smith,A.Z. (1987) p.30 quotes Collins's letter of appointment dated 30 January 1905: 'to be in the Department & begin work at 7.30 each week-day, having had breakfast before arrival, or taking it during & without interrupting his work. An hour's interval for lunch or dinner...


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A collection of some 70 beetles made by Collins between 1907 and 1937 mainly in Oxfordshire, but also in Cheshire, Berkshire and Cumberland, is in the Sheffield Museum. (I am grateful to Steve Garland for pointing this out to me.) (Is this J.J.Collins perhaps? See below.) (MD 3/02)


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Norman Joy refers to 'looking over the collection of C.E.Collin' in EMM., 40, 1904, p.14. At that time Collin, who lived at Calcot, near Reading, had recently died. His collection passed to Reading Museum. It includes a specimen of Medon dilutus identified by Joy (Peter Hammond says correctly) but, interestingly, not included by him in his Handbook (Information from John Owen). (MD 3/03)


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Well-known ant specialist. Published a number of articles on beetles in the 1950s while working for the National Agricultural Advisory Service. They included 'The Biology of Epipolaeus caliginosus F.' in EMM., 90, 1954, p.169; 'Uncommon beetles in the West Midlands', ibid., p.197; 'Myrmechixenus subterraneus Chev. in Derbyshire', ibid., 93, 1957, p.142; and 'Cryptocephalus bipunctatus(L) in North Lancashire', ibid., 94, 1958, p.167.